
SeethistutorialdemonstratingsomeofthemostcommonScantoCADpartAlignmentMethodsinGOMInspectSoftware2019.,2021年4月29日—Hi.Whenidomyfirstalignmentsiwasbelivedwhatwhatitwillchangeorientation,rotationandtranslation.Butitsnothappen.,,2021年8月9日—Pre-alignmentisaBestfitAlignmentbasicallyanditwilllookbetterthananyalignmentsbecauseisonaleastsquarecondition,howeverif ...

7 Scan to CAD Alignment Methods in GOM Inspect Software

See this tutorial demonstrating some of the most common Scan to CAD part Alignment Methods in GOM Inspect Software 2019.

Basic transformation of alignment

2021年4月29日 — Hi. When i do my first alignments i was belived what what it will change orientation, rotation and translation. But its not happen.

Is prealignment only a Starting Point?

2021年8月9日 — Pre-alignment is a Bestfit Alignment basically and it will look better than any alignments because is on a least square condition, however if ...